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West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner backs Open Lens Media to deliver Media Interventions

Updated: Sep 2, 2021

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner backs Open Lens Media to deliver Media Programme which puts young people’s voices front and centre.

As part of a funded initiative, the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has commissioned Open Lens Media to deliver their ‘Our Voices’ Media Programme to students at Broadway Academy, with the aim of training, developing and supporting them to produce a short film for the Academy, highlighting how their Character Education is key to the Academy’s successes.

The Our Voices project is Open Lens Media’s 12-week Media Programme that works with Schools and Colleges to teach young people key personal and professional development skills in Media, Communication and Social Development; enabling them to enhance their skills in order to move into further education, employment or training. During the programme students are taught technical, practical and transferable skills in Media which they then use to produce visual content as part of a campaign to raise awareness and/or to promote an issue of their choice that directly affects them within their community.

New film produced by Broadway Academy students puts Character Development at the forefront of Education.

Based in the inner city of Birmingham, Broadway Academy is a successful Academy with an inclusive ‘can do’ attitude supporting all young people to achieve their ambitions. The school’s motto “Our Children, Our Community, Believe it can be done” permeates through its person centred and community focused initiatives that place the Character Development of its students at the forefront of Education. The Academy is home to over 1,300 students and has continually received praise for its many successes including high attendance rates, zero exclusions, exemplary Ofsted reports and Broadway values. Now those Broadway values of integrity; respect; optimism; responsibility; appreciation; aspiration; generoristy and inclusivity will be at the forefront of a new film produced by Broadway students with the aim of showcasing how Character Education at Broadway has helped it become one of the leading Academies within the West Midlands.

The film will be showcased at the end of the school year to Broadway Academy partners, Governors, students and Ambassadors. The aim is to encourage best practice in education and to support the Academy’s vision of continuing to develop a school where the quality of learning and teaching is outstanding and its students are exemplary members of society.

Hands on Experience

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner who funded the project stated:

“Our decision to Commission Open Lens Media to deliver this project for Broadway Academy was based on the fact that the programme allows for educational enhancement as well as providing opportunities in the ever growing field of Media. The students will get hands on experience as well as producing professional work that will be showcased time and time again for their school. We fully back this project and look forward to seeing the fantastic results produced.”



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