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Wrapping up ESF Pathways

5 Pathway Participants on a trip to BritAsia UK's studios alongside their facilitator
Pathway Participants on a trip to BritAsia UK's studios

We are now on the way to completing our current partnership with the European Social Fund (ESF) as the funding programme comes to an end this year. Beginning in May 2022, our Pathway Programme has been funded by the ESF Community Grants Fund, a Fund whose goal is to improve employment and education opportunities across the European Union. During the past 8 months, we have provided 11 participants with tailored support depending on whether they were in need of personal development or employability support on an individual basis. Of these participants, we have achieved our outcomes with assisting 7 people on our Programme into further training or employment, helping them move closer to their employment goals.

5 Graduating Pathway Participants with their certificates alongside their facilitator
Graduating Pathway Participants with their certificates

We would like to say congratulations to all of our graduating Pathway participants and thank you for your hard work and dedication during our programme. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours!


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