Aim of Project
The LCCTV Project ran at The Lighthouse Young People's Centre, Birmingham between April and August 2022. This project aimed to teach young people the skills needed to become content creators for various social media platforms.
Delivery and Outcome
This was a new project put together using a combination of existing sessions such as Video Editing and Presentation Skills, and some completely new sessions such as Introduction to Social Media and Content Development. Participants were coached through sessions and were taught the basics of content creation, social media marketing and digital skills.
At the end of the 12 sessions, participants were invited to be interviewed to be hired as Lighthouse Lens Reporters by Open Lens Media for a 3-month paid internship to create Instagram content for The Lighthouse using the skills they had learnt during the LCCTV Project. This gave them the opportunity to develop interview skills and practice the skills in a mock interview scenario.
Two of the participants on the LCCTV Project were successful in securing an intern placement and gained invaluable work experience at The Lighthouse.
Case Study
Participant A is a 16-year-old female in the last year of Secondary School. She began LCCTV project with minimal media knowledge and only a basic user understanding of social media. Throughout LCCTV, the Participant learnt many new technical skills and handled equipment she had never used before. During the project, Participant A noted that she would like to work on her communication skills and be more professional when sending emails. After being hired as a Lighthouse Lens Reporter, the Participant had to send and reply to emails promptly with content, and to send information regarding her working hours; the Participant was able to work on her professionalism and confidently sent emails to OLM staff and to the Lighthouse staff in a professional manner.